Sunday, January 27, 2008

And the winner is ...

It took us a while to make our invitation cards. I drew and designed the layout, Geoff printed them, my mom and Mona helped with putting them together, I put the dried flowers in place, and Geoff did the stamps…and finally, they were done. The invites were ready to be mailed on Monday January 21st, the Martin Luther king day, a Federal holiday! I dropped them off at the post office that day, anyway, hoping they might be processed the next day and sometime later in the week might make it to our guests – after all, this is Newman's Postal Office (any Seinfeld's fans here?!) we are talking about. BUT, to our big surprise, everyone got them a day or two after!! We just could not believe the efficiency! This is our US Government postal office we are talking about!!

We were happily surprised for the second time last week by receiving the FIRST RSVP, from Jeff Andersen and his wife Ann, on Friday. So, hereby, ladies and gentlemen, we announce: The WINNER is Mr. Andersen...he will be Geoff's BEST man - seriously!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I’m deeply honored.

I’d like to thank Geoff, Halleh &, of course, the USPS.
